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Text Clip

Here is a basic example of how to style text clips:

import * as core from '@diffusionstudio/core'; const font = await core.FontManager.load({ family: 'Geologica', weight: '400', }); const text = new core.TextClip({ text: 'Hello World', align: 'center', baseline: 'middle', color: '#FFFFFF', font, fontSize: 16, // make sure to place after font leading: 1.1, stroke: { color: '#000000', width: 4, lineJoin: 'round', }, shadow: { opacity: 70, blur: 6, offsetX: 2, offsetY: 4, }, x: '12%', y: '50%', });

We have loaded the web font from a predefined set of popular web fonts. You can also use custom web fonts like this:

const manager = new core.FontManager(); const roboto = await manager.load({ source: "", weight: '400', family: 'Roboto' });

For more examples, see examples .

Setting the align and baseline properties will adjust the anchor point, comparable to the transform-origin  in CSS.

Rich Text

We have tested various methods to render text with differently styled subsections, such as changing the color of a particular word. While Pixi.js HTMLText was a promising solution, the quality of the text did not meet our standards. We ultimately implemented our own solution using foreignObjects. Although visually satisfying, the performance was inadequate for production use. We reverted to a 2D context implementation, resulting in the current state.

const font = await core.FontManager.load({ family: 'Geologica', weight: '800', }); const text = new RichTextClip({ text: 'Complex Text', duration: composition.duration, align: 'center', baseline: 'middle', font, casing: 'upper', fontSize: 18, stroke: { width: 3, color: '#000000', }, y: '85%', x: '50%', styles: [{ start: 8, style: { color: '#19fa2c' } }], });

The RichTextClip is derived from the TextClip, with the notable addition ofstyles and maxWidth properties. The styles array allows you to define the styles you want to override for specific sections of the RichTextClip. Currently available styles include:

  • color?: string;
  • fontSize?: number;
  • stroke?: Stroke;
  • font?: Font;

Each style object requires a start index indicating where the section should begin. Optionally, you can specify a stop index, with the default being the end of the text.

See it in action here .

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